CCG websites set to close

From the 12 July 2024 all of our archived CCG websites will be closing. Work has been underway to transfer the necessary information for each of our places to a new home on the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership website.We will be working to streamline content over the coming months, whilst creating extra capacity on the ICB website. All of our public facing health and wellbeing information can be found at RSS functions that sat within the York and North Yorkshire CCG websites will still be available whilst alternative arrangements are developed. If you need any help or information please email the communications team

Dr Faisel Baig – This is an immensely challenging time for our NHS – please continue to work with us

Published on Nov 18, 2020

This is an immensely challenging time for our NHS – please continue to work with us 

Dr Faisel Baig, GP and Chair, Humber Clinical and Professional Leaders Board and NHS North Lincolnshire CCG

Dear Humber Residents

Coronavirus infection rates across the Humber area remain above the national average, with Hull and North East Lincolnshire having some of the highest infection levels in the country.

During this critical time, our National Health Service is working harder than ever.  Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust are reporting record numbers of coronavirus patients being treated in their hospitals.  General practice teams are working at full pace to ensure patients have timely access and treatment, while also ensuring that all those requiring the flu vaccine, receive one.  General practice teams are also in discussions to ensure that, if and when an approved coronavirus vaccine arrives, there are plans in place to mobilise a vaccination programme immediately.  There are many other NHS services, for example, community services and mental health services, working just as hard, as are social care teams.

This is an immensely challenging time for our NHS.  We are doing our best to make sure all urgent patient needs are met, whether they are coronavirus related or not, while also clinically prioritising our patients on other waiting lists.  Many consultations will take place through telephone, video methods or online, but where there is a clinical need for a face-to-face appointment or someone is unable to access these remote methods, our NHS will ensure that a face-to-face appointment does take place.

We have significant numbers of staff away from work, either isolating or because they are unwell.  Our staff put a huge amount of physical and emotional effort into helping patients during the first wave of coronavirus, and as those efforts continue during this second wave, it is only natural that they are feeling some of the effects.

This is a humble message to remind you all of the pressure our NHS is under – please use it wisely but please do ensure you access care when you need it.  We do not want anyone who is unwell to be put off seeking help because of these circumstances.   You can contact NHS 111 (by calling 111 or through, your General Practice team (by calling them, online or through the NHS app: or if it is an accident or an emergency, then ring 999 or attend your local hospital accident & emergency department.

The best way everyone can help protect the NHS, so that it is able to treat those in most need during this time, is by:

Our NHS will continue to do its absolute best for you – please continue to work with us.

Best wishes

Dr Faisel Baig

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