CCG websites set to close

From the 12 July 2024 all of our archived CCG websites will be closing. Work has been underway to transfer the necessary information for each of our places to a new home on the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership website.We will be working to streamline content over the coming months, whilst creating extra capacity on the ICB website. All of our public facing health and wellbeing information can be found at RSS functions that sat within the York and North Yorkshire CCG websites will still be available whilst alternative arrangements are developed. If you need any help or information please email the communications team

Let’s take the next step safely

Published on Apr 01, 2021

Residents of North Lincolnshire are being asked to take the next step safely now restrictions are being eased.

People can now meet in groups of six (or two families) – but this must be outdoors. The Government guidance reiterates the importance of sticking to the rules, in order to stop the spread of the virus.

People can:

  • meet outdoors either in a group of six (from any number of households), or in a group of any size from up to two households (each household can include existing support bubbles, if eligible)
  • take part in formally organised outdoor sports with any number of people (outdoor sports venues and facilities are able to reopen)
  • take part in childcare, and supervised activities are allowed outdoors for all children
  • join formally organised parent and child groups outdoors for up to fifteen attendees. Children under five will not be counted in this number.

With the infection rate in North Lincolnshire among the highest in the country, it is vital that people stick to the rules to protect themselves, their families and the community.

Dr Faisel Baig, Chair of NHS North Lincolnshire CCG, and local GP, said:

“We all welcome the relaxing of restrictions, especially being able to meet some of our loved ones outdoors. This does however remain a crucial time in the battle against coronavirus, especially when we consider very high infection rates across parts of Europe.

“We have had a very successful start to our coronavirus vaccination programme in North Lincolnshire and that needs to continue. Please do accept your vaccine invitation when it arrives and have faith in the vaccine regulators, who are advising us to come forward and have any one of the UK vaccines.

“The vaccine is hopefully our way out of this pandemic, but for now, people who have been vaccinated should still continue to follow the same guidance as those who haven’t been vaccinated, to protect others.

“This includes strictly adhering to the national restrictions and following the key messages around Hands (regular and thorough hand hygiene), Face (wearing facemasks where applicable), Space (social distancing) and Fresh Air (meeting outdoors with social distancing), and isolating and arranging a coronavirus test, where appropriate.”

For more information on the national restrictions visit the Government website. Local guidance is available on the North Lincolnshire Council website.

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