CCG websites set to close

From the 12 July 2024 all of our archived CCG websites will be closing. Work has been underway to transfer the necessary information for each of our places to a new home on the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership website.We will be working to streamline content over the coming months, whilst creating extra capacity on the ICB website. All of our public facing health and wellbeing information can be found at RSS functions that sat within the York and North Yorkshire CCG websites will still be available whilst alternative arrangements are developed. If you need any help or information please email the communications team

More NHS Volunteer Responders needed in areas across England

Published on Nov 06, 2020

If you live in England there are important new opportunities to support your NHS and help to save lives as an NHS Volunteer Responder. Details of the volunteer roles and a sign-up link are here.

Previously registered volunteers are also encouraged to return to the scheme as the need for their services is rapidly increasing. If you have previously joined the scheme but have not recently been ‘on duty’, you can simply sign in again through the GoodSAM app or call 0808 196 3646 for advice.

The national volunteer scheme was set up by the NHS in England in March this year to help win the battle against COVID-19. It is supported by Royal Voluntary Service and the GoodSAM app, and will continue until at least March 2021.

The volunteers help people who are vulnerable to the virus to stay well by staying at home. They also directly support the NHS by delivering equipment and supplies, providing patient transport, and directing patients at NHS sites. Further ways to support the NHS are due to be announced shortly.

The scheme is operated through a smartphone app which means volunteers can set convenient times to go ‘on duty’. This makes it easy to fit around work, family or other volunteering commitments.

Volunteer safety is central to the scheme and NHS Volunteer Responders do not come into direct contact with COVID-19 patients.

Further information is on the NHS Volunteer Responders website.

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